Notice is given that an ordinary meeting of the Saxton Field Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue: Zoom link:
Meeting ID: Meeting Passcode: |
Tuesday 27 February 2024 9:30 am Boardroom, Sports House, 142 Saxton Road East, Saxton Field Complex https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85742718202?pwd=TUJZVnU5NWpZSlRtWTVRNUJyMnFmZz09 857 4271 8202 508123 |
Saxton Field Committee
Komiti Whenua Saxton
Independent Chair |
Mr D Shaw |
Members |
Tasman District Council |
Nelson City Council |
Cr J Ellis |
Cr C Rollo |
Cr B Maru |
Cr T Skinner |
(Quorum 3 members (min of 1 councillor from each Council )
Contact Telephone: 03 543 8400 Email: councildemocracy@tasman.govt.nz Website: www.tasman.govt.nz |
Saxton Field Committee Agenda – 27 February 2024
1 Opening, Welcome, KARAKIA
2 Apologies and Leave of Absence
Recommendation That apologies be accepted. |
4 Declarations of Interest
6 Confirmation of minutes
That the minutes of the Saxton Field Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 7 November 2023, be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. |
7.1 Saxton Field Activity Report.................................................................................... 6
Saxton Field Committee Agenda – 27 February 2024
7.1 Saxton Field Activity Report
Report To: |
Saxton Field Committee |
Meeting Date: |
27 February 2024 |
Report Author: |
Jane Loughnan, Parks and Facilities Asset Planner |
Report Authorisers: |
Richard Kirby, Group Manager - Community Infrastructure, Andrew White, Group Manager Community Services |
Report Number: |
RSFC24-02-1 |
1. Purpose of Report
1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee with an update on capital projects, events, and operational activities at Saxton Field.
1.2 It is provided to ensure the Committee is kept up to date about developments, activities, and issues at Saxton Field.
2. Recommendation
That the Saxton Field Committee
1. receives the Saxton Field Activity Report RSFC24-02-1.
3. Capital Projects
Path Development
3.1 The most recent path developed is a 2m wide gravel path running behind Archery, Softball and Hockey connecting the carpark off Saxton Road East to the footpath along the Saxton Stream. This work is now completed.
3.2 Any underspend from this project will be used in the budget to seal the driveway leading to Indoor Cricket and Target Shooting.
3.3 An initial hui was held in December, attended by a group of stakeholders that had shown interest in the project. Stakeholders represented members of the community that have disabilities and included representatives from Blind Low Vision New Zealand, Ministry of Disabled People and parents of children with a disability. The initial hui covered background information on the project, draft Long Term Plan budgets and discussion around accessible playground development generally. The group showed interest in being involved in the concept design process and had examples of other playground developments across the country that had been successful as well as ideas for small design features that make a big difference to accessibility. The group strongly supported the project and was grateful for the opportunity to be involved. Further input will be sought from the group as the project progresses.
3.4 The preferred site for the playground is between the Saxon Oval and the Pond.
Entrance Development
3.5 This work has not yet progressed. Further discussion with iwi is planned. Iwi input will be sought on an approach to produce entrance artwork that falls within the following parameters:
· Entrance structure, which reflects the history of the site;
· Welcomes users to Saxton Field;
· Designed, constructed and installed within budget, including any engineering requirements; and
· Ongoing maintenance requirements of the structure/structures are low.
Saxton Stadium Renewals
3.6 Basketball hoops at the Stadium are budgeted through the Draft Long Term Plan and no work will be carried out in 2023/24.
3.7 The wayfinding installation is now complete. The new wayfinding signs, including maps, have been installed to replace the old signs. Three new signs have been installed as part of the project at an area near Avery Field, Saxton Pond and outside the Velodrome. Feedback from users new to Saxton Field has been positive with comments to staff indicating how helpful they are.
Saxton Oval
3.8 Fibre connection to the cricket block has now been completed.
3.9 Two further CCTV cameras were installed to ensure monitoring of the changing room entryways meets the requirements of New Zealand Cricket.
3.10 Supplier Polytan has visited and has developed designs and plans for Aerial Field. A local fencing contractor has been engaged to provide a quote for a fence at the Champion Green baseball area. The physical work is some years away so there will be opportunity for input and further discussion prior to then.
Saxton Oval Drainage and Surface Renewal
3.11 A drainage clean was completed in 2022 and is performing well. This has been further assessed through the cricket Warrant of Fitness assessments, with the 2022 assessment and 2023 assessment both identifying that a long term action is replacing the lateral and slit drains. It is expected no further physical work will be carried out this financial year, other than monitoring. An assessment from a turf specialist is being sought to confirm this. Any work would need to be undertaken outside of the cricket season. Budget in 2023/24 is likely going to need to be carried forward.
Sand Storage
3.12 More work is required to confirm the location and style of a facility for a sand storage shed. The initially preferred location (between the Indoor Cricket and Target Shooting building and the Football Pavilion), is difficult for large trucks delivering sand to access and alternatives are being considered that have easier access for large trucks, while still meeting the requirement of easy access to the Oval for contractors. Costs are being sought for these alternative locations. An update will be provided at the meeting, with the budget in 2023/24 for the construction.
3.13 The structure will be a simple concrete block or pre-cast concrete style.
3.14 No budget has been spent on the project to date.
Accessibility Improvements
3.15 There is a budget of $20K every alternate year for accessibility improvements at Saxton Field. Sport Tasman’s new Disability Advisor is being approached to identify whether there are any specific updates required in 2023/24 at Saxton Field. If not, the budget will be put towards the Inclusive Playground project.
General Development
3.16 Each year, a budget exists for general development at Saxton Field for minor items. This year items being considered are:
· Shed for cricket covers
· Renewal of Saxton Oval Pavilion bathroom floor
· Sealing of the road to the Indoor Cricket/Target Shooting (dependent on cost and available budget from pathways)
· Other minor development, as identified.
4. Operational activity
Access to Velodrome
4.1 A serious safety incident was reported in the underpass to the velodrome. The site was assessed, and changes are being made. Further updates can be provided at the meeting if required.
4.2 The Saxton Stadium Management Contract is due to expire in June. It will be re-tendered prior to this date.
4.3 The Nelson City Council (NCC) Venues Management and Marketing Contract is being re-tendered currently and includes NCC venues (Trafalgar Centre and Halls). The Saxton Oval Pavilion will be included as part of the new contract, instead of being included in the Saxton Stadium Contract.
4.4 Bike Hub Nelson have been occupying part of the old hockey softball pavilion at Saxton Field on a temporary agreement. Now that they are established, they have moved to a 5 year rental term, starting January 2024.
4.5 The Saxton Field website had a huge increase in overall users (up 20%) in December. The biggest increase in traffic was on December 20 with 166 users viewing the website.
4.5.1 Recreation – views to the kids playground, learn to ride and picnics in the park all had an increase of 200%.
4.5.2 Sports – biggest views were on the cricket page (49 users) which had an increase of over 276%. Other increases included track cycling, other sports, and disc golf.
4.5.3 Venues – there were a total of 91 users on the Saxton Oval Pavilion webpage (an increase of 127.5%). The Saxton Oval also had an increase in users of over 166%.
4.6 Most of the traffic to the website was via google search; however there was still a reasonable amount of traffic from the Sport Tasman website, Saxton Lodge website, Athletics Nelson website, Nelson City Council and Nelson City Council Venues websites.
Radio New Zealand Land
4.7 Discussions with Radio New Zealand on the future of the site are underway and a report is planned to be brought to the May meeting.
Activity Management Plan and Long-Term Plan
4.8 A draft Activity Management Plan was presented to the Committee at the last meeting. The Activity Management Plan will be updated after the Long Term Plan development process and presented to the Committee in November.
Alcohol Advertising
4.10 An exemption was granted for advertising alcohol for the Blackcaps and White Ferns games in 2023/24. A workshop with the Committee to seek guidance on future treatment of alcohol advertising is planned.
4.11 At the time of writing, officers are proposing to meet with Nelson Netball about a covered netball court. Further updates may be available at the Committee meeting.
5. Events
Half Marathon
5.1 The Nelson Half Marathon, 10km, 5km, and 2.5km fun run and walk was completed on 5 November 2023.
5.2 Just under 4,500 tickets were allocated for the One Day International between the Blackcaps and Bangladesh at Saxton Oval on December 20. A debrief will take place early in the new year.
5.3 Initial feedback is positive. The venue looked impressive on television and was shown around the world. Police reported no issues. St John Ambulance only reported a few minor issues including three ankle roles, one bee sting, one splinter and one person who felt faint. Dog Control also responded to a runaway dog that tried to enter the venue during the match.
5.4 No health and safety incidents were reported at the event. At a health and safety debrief for the event, some learnings were identified. Staff are meeting with the contractor to ensure any actions are addressed for the next games.
5.5 A total of 88% of event waste was diverted from landfill.
5.7 The White Ferns v England T20 is scheduled for 22 March 2024, and again on 24 March 2024.
5.8 Staff will continue to work on improvements in preparation for the White Ferns T20 matches on 22 March 2024, and 24 March 2024.
6. Next meeting
6.1 The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for 17 May 2024.