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Joint Shareholders Committee


Komiti Joint Shareholders


Date:                       Thursday 27 April 2023


Time:                      1.30 pm


Venue:                   Tasman Council Chamber
189 Queen Street, Richmond


Zoom Link:  


Meeting ID:            869 3300 0465


Passcode:             644446






Tasman District Council

Nelson City Council


Mayor T King

Mayor N Smith


Deputy Mayor S Bryant

Deputy Mayor R O’Neill-Stevens


Cr B Dowler

Cr M Benge


Cr K Maling

Cr M Courtney


Cr C Mackenzie

Cr K Paki Paki


Cr C Hill

Cr R Sanson




(Quorum 6 members)






Contact Telephone: 03 543 8512




Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023



1        Opening, Welcome, KARAKIA

2        Apologies and Leave of Absence



That apologies be accepted.


3        Public Forum

          Registration is required to speak at public forum. You can register here

4        Declarations of Interest

5        LATE ITEMS

6        Confirmation of minutes


That the minutes of the Joint Shareholders Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 29 November 2022 and the minutes of the Extraordinary Joint Shareholders Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 13 December 2022, be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.


7        Presentations


8        Reports

8.1     Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Half Yearly Report to 31 December 2022 and Draft Statement of Intent 2023/2024.................................................................................................. 4

8.2     Tasman Bays Heritage Trust - Trustee Rotation.................................................. 41

8.3     Nelson Airport Limited - Half Yearly Report to 31 December 2022...................... 47

8.4     Port Nelson Ltd Interim Six-Month Report ended 31 December 2022................. 73

8.5     Infrastructure Holdings Limited - transfer of shares in Port Nelson Limited and Nelson Airport Limited (Late Covering Report).................................................................. 94

9        Confidential Session

9.1     Procedural motion to exclude the public............................................................... 95

9.2     Infrastructure Holdings Limited draft Statement of Intent 2023/2024................... 95

9.3     Reappointment of Directors to Port Nelson Ltd..................................................... 95


Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023


8     Reports

8.1     Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Half Yearly Report to 31 December 2022 and Draft Statement of Intent 2023/2024

Decision Required

Report To:

Joint Shareholders Committee

Meeting Date:

27 April 2023

Report Author:

Martin Croft, Strategic Advisor Community Services

Report Number:



1        Purpose of the Report

1.1     To receive the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust (TBHT) half yearly performance report 1 July to 31 December 2022 (Attachment 1).

1.2     To receive the TBHT draft Statement of Intent 2023/24 and provide shareholder comments to the Trust (Attachment 2).


2        Draft Resolution


That the Joint Shareholders Committee:

1.       receives the Yearly Report to 31 December 2022 and Draft Statement of Intent 2023/24 report, RJSC23-04-1 and its attachments; and

2.       notes the delivery of the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Draft Statement of Intent 2023/24 as required under the Local Government Act 2002; and

3.       instructs staff to advise the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust of the following comments on the Draft Statement of Intent 2023/24:

4.       to be discussed at the meeting


5.       that the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Draft Statement of Intent 2023/24 meets Committee’s expectations, as set out in the Letter of Expectations dated 21 Dec 2022


3        Background and Discussion

Half Yearly Report

3.1     The THBT half yearly report covers the period 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022 (Attachment 1).

3.2     This report details the strategic goals of the Trust, and the actions planned to achieve these goals. All have been achieved or are on target to be achieved, except one which has been deferred to 2024 (Attachment 1, pages 9-15).

3.3     The Statement of Comprehensive Income shows a net deficit of $55,345 for the period, which is better than the projected deficit of $114,848.

3.4     The new Archives, Research and Collections Facility (ARC) capital project has progressed significantly in this period, with the site master plan and concept design being completed. The resource consent application has been submitted and is currently with Nelson City Council.

3.5     Some of the highlights in this period for the Museum include:

3.5.1  Hosting three different exhibitions concurrently in the upstairs gallery.

3.5.2  Two new accessibility initiatives being introduced alongside the exhibition ‘Curious Contraptions’ for neurodiverse visitors.

3.5.3  Securing a new Ministry of Education contract to deliver local curriculum for the next three and a half years.  

3.5.4  The completion of a multi-year project to replace the Museum’s ageing server, significantly increasing storage capacity, data security, and allowing a greatly enhanced user experience.

3.6     Whilst this period began with slow visitation, numbers have picked up significantly, finishing with over 22,000 visitors.

3.7     The Chief Executive, Lucinda Jimson will attend the meeting to present the report and respond to any questions.

Draft Statement of Intent

3.8     TBHT is a joint Council Controlled Organisation.

3.9     Under the Local Government Act 2002, the Trust is required to provide a draft Statement of Intent (SOI) to the shareholding councils, no later than 1 March each year. This requirement has been met.

3.10   The councils have an opportunity to provide comments to the Trust within two months of this date, and the Trust has until 30 June 2023 to deliver the final SOI to the councils. The draft SOI is included as Attachment 2.

3.11   Schedule 8 of the Local Government Act outlines the purpose of an SOI, what is to be included, and how it is to be approved. The SOI, as supplied by the Trust, is compliant.

3.12   A Statement of Expectations (SOE) was sent to the Trust on 21 December 2022, to help guide the Trust in the creation of the SOI. This is available here. It did not include any specific expectations.

3.13   The Committee should note that in the Projected Operating Statement of Financial Performance, the TBHT has assumed a 5% increase in council funding year-on-year.


4        Options

4.1     There is no decision to be made on the half-yearly report. The Trust has complied with the legislation in preparing and presenting the report to the councils.

4.2     The Committee may decide to:


Option 1: Note the TBHT’s Draft SOI 2023/24 meets the Committee’s expectations


·    Gives clarity to the TBHT and the Committee on the direction for the period 2023-2024.

Risks and Disadvantages

·    None obvious.

Option 2: Instruct staff to provide comments to the TBHT on its updated SOI, including a comment to adjust Council funding to match what is confirmed in both Nelson City Council’s and Tasman District Council’s annual plans. (Recommended)


·   The Trust will have an opportunity to make changes to the draft SOI to reflect the Committee’s comments.

Risks and Disadvantages

·  None obvious.


5        Important considerations for decision-making


5.1         Fit with Purpose of Local Government

The preparation of a draft Statement of Intent and delivery of the half yearly report is a requirement of Schedule 8 of the Local Government Act.

5.2         Consistency with Community Outcomes and Council Policy

The Trust contributes to the outcomes ‘Our communities have opportunities to celebrate and explore their heritage, identity and creativity’ and ‘Our communities have access to a range of social, educational and recreational facilities and activities’.

5.3         Risk

There is medium risk that expectations of funding for the ARC capital project to house and care for the Nelson Tasman regional heritage collection may not be realised. 

5.4         Financial impact

The provision of the museum is a budgeted activity for both councils.

5.5         Degree of significance and level of engagement

This matter is of low significance and no further consultation is proposed.

5.6         Climate Impact

Climate impact is addressed through the strategic objective of sustainability performance.

5.7         Inclusion of Māori in the decision-making process

No engagement with Māori has been undertaken in preparing this report. Iwi are represented on the Trust Board and through an advisory komiti.

5.8         Delegations

The Joint Shareholders Committee has the following delegations to consider:

Areas of Responsibility:

·    All matters relating to jointly owned Council Controlled Organisations and Council Controlled Trading Organisations and port companies, including statements of intent, statements of corporate intent, half yearly reports, the appointment of directors and setting of directors’ fees.

Powers to Decide:

·    All matters relating to jointly owned Council Controlled Organisations and Council Controlled Trading Organisations and port companies including statements of intent, statements of corporate intent, half yearly reports, the appointment of directors and setting of directors’ fees.


6        Conclusion and Next Steps

6.1     TBHT has submitted the draft Statement of Intent 2023/24 as required by the Local Government Act.

6.2     The Committee has an opportunity to provide comments to the Trust on the draft SOI for consideration by the TBHT board in finalising the draft SOI 2023/24.


7        Attachments


Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Half Yearly Performance Report 1 July to 31 December 2022



Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Draft Statement of Intent 2023/2024




Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023


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Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023


8.2     Tasman Bays Heritage Trust - Trustee Rotation  

Decision Required

Report To:

Joint Shareholders Committee

Meeting Date:

27 April 2023

Report Author:

Martin Croft, Strategic Advisor Community Services

Report Number:



1        Purpose of Report

1.1     To note the reappointment of Brendon Silcock as a trustee of Tasman Bays Heritage Trust (TBHT) for a further three-year term, beginning May 2023 and ending May 2026.

1.2     To note the reappointment of Derek Shaw as a trustee of Tasman Bays Heritage Trust (TBHT) for a further three-year term, beginning November 2023 and ending November 2026.

1.3     To note the decision of the TBHT Appointments Committee to appoint Kimiora McGregor as Te Tai Ao Komiti iwi-nominated trustee.

1.4     To note the decision of the TBHT Appointments Committee to appoint Stephen Broad-Paul as a seventh trustee.


2        Draft Resolution


That the Joint Shareholders Committee

1.       receives the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust - Trustee Rotation report, RJSC23-04-2; and

2.       notes the decision of the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Appointments Committee to appoint Brendon Silcock for a three-year term, ending May 2026; and

3.       notes the decision of the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Appointments Committee to appoint Derek Shaw for a three-year term, ending November 2026; and

4.       notes the decision of Te Tai Ao Komiti to appoint Kimiora McGregor as the iwi-nominated trustee; and

5.       notes the decision of the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust Appointments Committee to appoint Stephen Broad-Paul as a seventh trustee; and

6.       thanks Olivia Hall for her eleven-years’ service as a trustee of Tasman Bays Heritage Trust.


3        Background

3.1     TBHT is a joint Council Controlled Organisation, established in 2000 to manage and operate Nelson Provincial Museum Pupuri Taonga O Te Tai Ao.

3.2     The current trustees of TBHT are:

·      Olivia Hall: Chairperson, first appointed October 2012, term ends November 2024

·      Brendon Silcock: first appointed May 2020, term ends May 2023

·      Emma Thompson: first appointed November 2015, term ends November 2025

·      Derek Shaw: first appointed November 2015, term ends November 2023

·      Darren Mark: first appointed November 2015, term ends November 2024

·      Jo Brady: first appointed in April 2022, term ends April 2025

3.3     Trustees are appointed by an Appointments Committee, following a process set out in the TBHT Trust Deed. This requires that the Trust has between five and seven trustees.

3.4     The Appointments Committee includes representatives from both councils. Current members of the committee are: Mayor Tim King (Chair) and Chief Executive Officer Janine Dowding (Tasman District Council); Councillors Mel Courtney and Kahu Paki Paki (Nelson City Council); Olivia Hall and Jane du Feu (iwi representatives).

3.5     The criteria for appointments of general trustees are mandated in the Trust Deed as follows:

The Appointments Committee shall appoint Trustees from the list of persons nominated and in making any appointment shall take into account the following criteria:

1.       Trustees should be interested in and able to promote the objectives of the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust.

2.       Trustees should be persons known in the communities for their respective business acumen, competence in financial stewardship, or expertise and knowledge in heritage matters and issues.

3.       Trustees should be familiar with and have or be willing and able to gain an appreciation of heritage issues, education, tourism and regional development issues, promotional interests and iwi perspective and a cultural awareness especially of issues relating to Maori taonga (clause 14.1(c)).

3.6     The Councils also have a joint policy for appointments: Joint Appointment of Directors/Trustees of Council Controlled Organisations and Council Controlled Trading Organisations (Joint Policy).

3.7     As the Appointments Committee is established by the Trust Deed, rather than by the two Councils, the Appointments Committee has authority to make appointments to the Trust. This Trust Deed is given precedence over the joint policy of the two Councils.

Reappointment of Trustees

3.8     Brendon Silcock has only served one term as a trustee. His current term ends in May 2023 and he has confirmed interest in being reappointed for another term.

3.9     Derek Shaw has served three terms as a trustee. His current term ends in November 2023 and he has confirmed interest in being reappointed for another term.

3.10   TBHT Chair Olivia Hall provided a letter on 12 April 2023 requesting that Brendan Silcock and Derek Shaw be reappointed for a subsequent term (Attachment 1).

3.11   The Trust Deed does not set out limits on the number of times a trustee can be reappointed. However, Councils’ policy on Joint Appointment of Directors/Trustees of Council Controlled Organisations and Council Controlled Trading Organisations states:

No Director/Trustee may be reappointed for a fourth consecutive term unless there are special circumstances.

3.12   Both trustees have served less than four consecutive terms as trustees.

3.13   The Trust Deed sets out the process for reappointments, including that a public recruitment process is not required:

Provided that where the Appointments Committee is satisfied that a Trustee retiring pursuant to Clause 16.1 continues to meet the criteria in Clause 14.1(c), and is likely to be the best candidate for appointment, then the calling for nominations and advertising as required by Clause 14(b) shall not be required to fill the vacancy in respect of which the retiring Trustee seeks reappointment (clause 16.2).

3.14   Consistent with the Trust Deed, the Appointments Committee agreed this approach and a decision was confirmed at the meeting of the Appointments Committee held on 18 April 2023.

3.15   The Appointments Committee unanimously confirmed that Brendon Silcock and Derek Shaw should be reappointed for three-year terms.

Appointment of Iwi-Nominated Trustee

3.16   Trustees of TBHT include general trustees and an iwi representative trustee. Olivia Hall was the iwi nominated trustee, appointed by Te Tai Ao Komiti.

3.17   Ms Hall has confirmed that after 11 years on the Trust, she is stepping down from the board.

3.18   Te Tai Ao Komiti were informed of this decision and asked to consider who they will appoint to this role.

3.19   The Memorandum of Understanding of Te Tai Ao Komiti states it will:

Elect one of their Members to be their representative on the Tasman Bays Heritage Trust. The name of the elected person will be notified in writing to the Secretary of the Trust who will notify the Appointments Committee of the Joint Stakeholder Committee accordingly to seek ratification.

3.20   Olivia Hall advised that Kimiora McGregor (Ngāti Koata) has been appointed by Te Tai Ao Komiti as her replacement as the iwi-nominated trustee (Attachment 1).

Appointment of Seventh Trustee

3.21   The Trust Board has requested an increase in the number of their trustees from six to seven. In accordance with clause 12.2 of the Trust’s Deed: “there shall be no more than 7 nor fewer than 5 Trustees”.

3.22   As several trustees have indicated that they may be standing down at the end of their terms, a seventh trustee would aid continuity and expand the base of possible Chairs.

3.23   The Trust Board has confirmed it will split its current remuneration between the seven trustees. The next opportunity for the Joint Shareholders Committee to agree remuneration for the Trust Board will be at its August meeting.

3.24   The Trust Board is cognisant of the needs of the Archives, Research and Collections (ARC) capital works project and museum operations, and requested that the recruitment process prioritised the following attributes:

·        Strong engagement with local communities including business

·        A long-standing relationship with the Nelson Tasman region

·        Experience in governance roles, including as chair

3.25   In 2022, recruitment was undertaken to appoint a new trustee to replace Chris Bowater, who had resigned. Two excellent candidates were interviewed by the TBHT Appointments Committee panel and Jo Brady was offered a position on the Trust. 

3.26   The Trust Board asked if the second candidate, Stephen Broad-Paul could now be considered as the preferred candidate, as he has the attributes required for the role. It is understood that he is still available and interested in becoming a trustee. This was the Board’s preference rather than undertaking a new recruitment process, which would be costly and a relatively lengthy process.

3.27   The TBHT Appointments Committee agreed with the Trust Board’s view and agreed to offer a position on the Trust to Stephen Broad-Paul.

3.28   Past practice has been for the Appointments Committee decisions to be noted (rather than approved) by the Joint Shareholders Committee.


4        Conclusion

4.1     The appointment of the iwi-nominated trustee, reappointed trustees and new trustee will be announced publicly at the Trust’s Annual General Meeting on 8 November 2023, and prior to that through the Museum’s online and social media channels.

5        Attachments


Letter from Olivia Hall - Tasman Bays Heritage Trustee Retirement and Recruitment




Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023


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Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023


8.3     Nelson Airport Limited - Half Yearly Report to 31 December 2022

Information Only - No Decision Required

Report To:

Joint Shareholders Committee

Meeting Date:

27 April 2023

Report Author:

Nikki Harrison, Group Manager Corporate Services

Report Number:



1        Purpose of the Repot

1.1     To receive the Nelson Airport Limited half yearly report to 31 December 2022.


2        Draft Resolution


That the Joint Shareholders Committee receives the Nelson Airport Limited - Half Yearly Report to 31 December 2022, RJSC23-04-3.  

3        Background and Discussion

3.1     Section 66 of the Local Government Act requires Nelson Airport Limited to deliver a half yearly report on performance within two months of the end of that period. The councils must publish the half yearly report on their website within one month of receiving it. These requirements have been met. The half yearly report of the Airport for the period ending
31 December 2022 is included as Attachment 1.

3.2     The half yearly report shows that Nelson Airport Limited (NAL) is on target to meet the majority of its Statement of Intent objectives for 2022/23 (see pages 6 to 8 of
Attachment 1). Targets on staff turnover and carbon emissions are not on target to be met by 30 June 2023.

3.3     For the first six months of this financial year, NAL reported profit before tax (PBT) of
$2.85 million compared with the previous year result of $1.35 million. Passenger numbers were higher at 457,214 year-to-date compared with same time last year at 280,820 (63% higher).

3.4     Nelson Airport is forecasting an end of year profit before tax result of $2.93 million up on the Statement of Intent level of $1.6 million and up on last year’s result of $2.8 million.

3.5     Financial performance for the second half of the current financial year is forecast to be more conservative than that reported for the first half, with Profit before Tax forecast at
$0.1 million. This is due to several factors including:

3.5.1  the full deconstruction and removal of two significant buildings and services removal from a third;

3.5.2  a $0.6 million movement in the value of the interest rate swaps portfolio;

3.5.3  increased repairs and maintenance expenditure as previously deferred maintenance is conducted;

3.5.4  a marginal reduction in several revenue streams.

4        Attachments


Nelson Airport Half Year Report to 31 December 2022




Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023


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Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023


8.4     Port Nelson Ltd Interim Six-Month Report ended 31 December 2022

Information Only - No Decision Required

Report To:

Joint Shareholders Committee

Meeting Date:

27 April 2023

Report Author:

Mike Drummond, Group Manager - Finance

Report Number:



1        Summary

1.1     Port Nelson Ltd delivered their scheduled interim half yearly report to 31 December 2022 on 28 February 2023. This is within the statutory timeframe.

1.2     The Port Board and management presented on the interim results and provided a briefing to Councillors at the Joint Committee meeting on 28 March 2023.  At the time, Councillors were able to question the Company representatives on performance and other matters.

1.3     This Committee has the oversight responsibilities for the Port and the interim half yearly report comes to this Committee to be formally received.

1.4     Given the previous company briefing there are no particular matters that staff need to bring to the Committee’s attention.


2        Draft Resolution


That the Joint Shareholders Committee

1.       receives the Port Nelson Ltd Interim Six-Month Report ended 31 December 2022   report, RJSC23-04-4; and

2.       notes a link to the Port Nelson Ltd Interim Six-Month Report Ended 31 December 2022 will be published on the Tasman District and Nelson City Council websites within seven days of this meeting.

3        Purpose of Report

3.1     To formally receive the Port Nelson Ltd interim six-month report for the period ended 31 December 2022.


4        Background and Discussion

4.1     Section 16 of the Port Companies Act 1988 requires Port Nelson Limited to deliver a half yearly report on performance within two months of the end of that period. This requirement has been met.

4.2     The interim half yearly report of the Port for the period ending 31 December 2022 is included as Attachment 1

4.3     The half yearly report shows that Port Nelson Limited (PNL) is on target to meet most of its Statement of Corporate Intent objectives for 2022/23 (see pages 6 and 7 of Attachment 1).

4.4     For the first six months of this financial year, PNL reported net profit after tax (NPAT) of $2.71 million compared with the previous year result of $4.64 million (a 42% decrease). Compared to budget, however, the result is only down 1.1%. Revenue for the period was $41.477 million, up 11% on last year.

4.5     The first six months of the 2023 financial year reflect the headwinds experienced by many export-orientated businesses: Covid impacts continue to cause volatility and disruption to container shipping and inflationary forces have driven up costs faster than revenue increases.

4.6     Cargo volumes (revenue tonnes – RT) and container throughput (twenty-foot equivalent units – TEU) to 31 December 2022 were 1.5 million RT and 50 thousand TEU. This compares to last year’s result at this time of 1.6 million RT and 52 thousand TEU.

4.7     The main driver for the negative variance for cargo volumes was reduced volumes for sawn timber, general import/exports, fish and logs. On the positive side, a consequence of container number shortages at the end of last financial year saw a strong tail to the 2022 apple export season, which lifted the first six months of this year.

4.8     Port Nelson Ltd expect shipping reliability to improve steadily over the rest of the year and look forward to a strong pip fruit and wine season for the 2023 financial year. Log volumes are forecast to recover, although there remains a high level of vulnerability to the China market.

4.9     The Port presented and provided an update at the Joint Committee Meeting on 27 April 2023.


5        Conclusion and Next Steps

5.1     The Company has provided the required six monthly update. The information in the update is in line with the presentation being made to Councillors on 27 April 2023.

5.2     The receipt of the interim financials is a routine matter.

5.3     Tasman District and Nelson City Council will provide a link to the report on their websites within seven days of this meeting.


6        Attachments


Port Nelson Ltd Interim Six Month Report ended 31 December 2022




Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023


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Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023


8.5     Infrastructure Holdings Limited - transfer of shares in Port Nelson Limited and Nelson Airport Limited (Late Covering Report)

This report was not completed in time for the agenda publication.



Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council – Joint Shareholders Committee Agenda – 27 April 2023



9.1     Procedural motion to exclude the public


The following motion is submitted for consideration:

That the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.


This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


9.2     Infrastructure Holdings Limited draft Statement of Intent 2023/2024

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


9.3     Reappointment of Directors to Port Nelson Ltd

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(a) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.



The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.